East Carolina University (Brody) Secondary Essay Prompts

These are the secondary application essay prompts for Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. To put your best foot forward and maximize your chance of an interview invitation, visit our secondary application editing page.

About East carolina university (Brody)

Secondary Deadline: October 15, 2024
Secondary Fee: $100
FAP Waiver: Yes
CASPer Required: No
Screens Applications: Yes
Accepts Application Updates:



Please complete this section using the prompt given. Your essays should be limited to 250-300 words (2000 max characters) each and it is strongly recommended that you not copy and paste your AMCAS application essay.

1. There is no doubt the level of stress brought on by medical school can impact a student’s mental health and emotional well-being. Discuss the ways you plan to manage your health and well-being during medical school. (250-300 words maximum)

2. In the event you are accepted into two or more medical schools, what factors would be most important in determining which school would be the “best fit” for you? (250-300 words maximum)

3. Describe an experience that has given you a unique understanding of human suffering and what did you learn from this experience? (250-300 words maximum)

4. Describe your experience with primary care either as a patient, caregiver, visitor, staff, or volunteer. (250-300 words maximum)

OTHER Questions: (in addition to these main secondary essays)
Do you claim to be a North Carolina resident? *If you claim to be resident, you must complete the residency process with the Residency Determination Service (see direct link in Application Instructions). You will receive a Residency Certification Number (RCN) which should be entered onto your admissions application (next question) or provided directly to our office when available.​

Have you ever applied to medical school? (Yes/No)

Have you ever applied to the Brody School of Medicine? If yes, what year(s) did you apply?
If this is not your first application to medical school, please select the additional qualifications you now possess. (Optional)

If you selected “Other” in the previous question, please explain. Optional (1,000 Characters)

These campus safety questions must be completed. Your “yes” answer to any of them will not necessarily preclude your being admitted; however, your failure to provide complete, accurate, and truthful information will be grounds to deny or withdraw your admissions, or dismiss you after enrollment. For the purpose of the following questions, “crime” or “criminal charge” refers to any crime other than a traffic related misdemeanor or an infraction. You must, however, include alcohol or drug offenses whether or not they are traffic related.

  1. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? (Yes/No)
  2. Have you ever entered a plea of guilty, a plea of no contest, a plea of nolo contendere, or an Alford plea, or have you received a deferred prosecution, or prayer for judgment continued, to a criminal charge? (Yes/No)
  3. Have you otherwise accepted responsibility for the commission of a crime? (Yes/No)
  4. Do you have any criminal charges pending against you? (Yes/No)
  5. Have you ever been expelled, dismissed, suspended, placed on probation, or otherwise subject to any disciplinary sanction by any school, college, or university? (Yes/No)
  6. If you have ever served in the military, did you receive any type of discharge other than an honorable discharge? (Never served/Yes/No/Currently Serving)

If you answered “yes” to any of the six questions above, please explain the circumstances. THIS QUESTION REQUIRES AN ANSWER-If you answered “no” to all questions, simply answer “N/A”. (1,500 characters)

4. SUPPLEMENTAL ESSAYS (see the 4 essay prompts in green above)​
Please complete this section using the prompt given. Your essays should be limited to 250-300 words (2500 max characters) each and it is strongly recommended that you not copy and paste your AMCAS application essay.

Please indicate your citizenship:

Have you, your spouse, or either of your parents been in active military service within the past two years?

Have you participated in the following programs or similar programs for health professions enrichment: ECU Brody School of Medicine Summer Program for Future Doctors (SPFD), ECU Brody School of Medicine Summer Biomedical Research Program (SBRP), Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP), Medical Education Development (MED) Program at UNC, Pitt County Health Sciences Academy, Area Health Education Center (AHEC) Scholars, Medical Explorers, SNMA Pipeline Programs, Health Professions Readiness & Enrichment Program (HPREP), Youth Science Enrichment Program (YSEP). If yes, please list the activity and year(s) of participation. How did the program(s) prepare you as a future physician? Optional (3,500 characters)

Please use this area for more complete answers that required additional space, indicating the corresponding number of the question. Optional (3,500 Characters)