Policies of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (the “College”) set out expectations for the professional conduct of physicians practising in Ontario. Together with the Practice Guide and relevant legislation and case law, they will be used by the College and its Committees when considering physician practice or conduct. Within policies, the terms ‘must’ and ‘advised’ are used to articulate the College’s expectations. When ‘advised’ is used, it indicates that physicians can use reasonable discretion when applying this expectation to practice. Additional information, general advice, and/or best practices can be found in companion resources, such as Advice to the Profession documents.
Direct Order: Direct orders are written or verbal instructions from a physician to another health care provider or a group of health care providers to carry out a specific treatment, procedure, or intervention for a specific patient, at a specific time. Direct orders provide the authority to carry out the treatments, procedures, or other interventions that have been directed by the physician and generally take place after a physician-patient relationship has been established.
Medical Directive 4 : Medical directives are written orders by physician(s) to other health care provider(s) that pertain to any patient who meets the criteria set out in the medical directive. When a medical directive calls for acts that need to be delegated, it provides the authority to carry out the treatments, procedures, or other interventions that are specified in the directive, provided that certain conditions and circumstances exist.
Delegation is intended to provide physicians with the ability to extend their capacity to serve patients by temporarily authorizing an individual to act on their behalf. Delegation is intended to be a physician extender, not a physician replacement. Physicians remain accountable and responsible for the patient care provided through delegation.
In the patient’s best interest
When not to delegate
Use of direct orders and medical directives
In the context of a physician−patient relationship
Ensure consent to treatment is obtained
Identifying and mitigating risks
Evaluating delegates and establishing competence
Ensuring delegates can accept the delegation
Supervision and support of delegates
Managing adverse events
Ongoing monitoring and evaluation
Medical Directives
Medical Records
Controlled Acts under the RHPA
1. See Appendix A for a list of controlled acts defined under subsection 27 (2) of the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c. 18 (RHPA).
2. Although the RHPA prohibits performance of controlled acts by those not specifically authorized to perform them, it permits performing controlled acts if the person performing the act is doing so to render first aid or temporary assistance in an emergency, or if they are fulfilling the requirements to become a member of a health profession and the act is within the scope of practice of the profession and is performed under the supervision or direction of a member of the profession (RHPA, s. 29(1)(a,b)).
3. For additional information about what is not considered “delegation” as defined in the policy, see the Advice to the Profession: Delegation of Controlled Acts document.
4. For examples of prototype medical directives, please consult the Emergency Department Medical Directives Implementation Kit which has been developed jointly by the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA), the Ontario Medical Association, and the Ministry of Health and is available on the OHA website.
5. For additional information about determining the status of a health professional’s certificate of registration, see the Advice to the Profession: Delegation of Controlled Acts document.
6. For a list of individuals identified by the CPSO see the CPSO’s website.
7. This does not prohibit health care professionals who are authorized to perform the controlled act of psychotherapy from doing so, including nurses of all classes, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, and registered psychotherapists.
8. O. Reg. 865/93, Registration, enacted under the Medicine Act, 1991, S.O. 1991, c.30, s. 2(5) requires physicians to only practise in the areas of medicine in which they are trained and experienced. For more information see the College’s Ensuring Competence: Changing Scope of Practice and/or Re-entering Practice policy and the Delegation of Controlled Acts: Advice to the Profession document.
9. Generally, a patient’s best interests will be served by delegation that occurs in the context of an existing or anticipated physician-patient relationship. However, in some instances a patient’s best interests might be served by receiving care in the absence of a traditional physician-patient relationship. For example, in instances where access would otherwise be compromised to the point of risking patient safety, or where patient or public safety might be otherwise compromised. Examples of appropriate circumstances in which delegation may occur in the absence of a traditional physician-patient relationship include, but are not limited to:
10. In some circumstances, an assessment might take the form of a chart review or consultation with the delegate rather than an in-person assessment.
11. Please see the Health Care Consent Act, 1996 and the College’s Consent to Treatment policy for more information.
12. Obtaining informed consent includes providing the patient with information about the individual who will be providing the treatment and their role and/or credentials. Obtaining informed consent also includes the provision of information and the ability to answer questions about the material risks and benefits of the procedure, treatment or intervention proposed. If the individual who will be enacting the medical directive is unable to provide the information that a reasonable person would want to know in the circumstances, the implementation of the medical directive is inappropriate.
13. In some cases, the physician may not personally know the individual to whom they are delegating. For example, medical directors at base hospitals delegating to paramedics or in hospital settings, where the hospital employs the delegates (nurses, respiratory therapists, etc.) and the medical staff is not involved in the hiring process. For additional guidance about ensuring competence when a physician has not personally employed a delegate, see the Advice to the Profession: Delegation of Controlled Acts document.
14. In addition to the limitations set out in the RHPA, some regulatory colleges in Ontario place limits on the types of acts that their members may be authorized to carry out through delegation. The delegate is responsible for informing the delegating physician of any regulations, policies, and/or guidelines of their regulatory body that would prevent them from accepting the delegation.
15. A comprehensive guide and toolkit was developed by a working group of the Health Profession Regulators of Ontario (HPRO) in 2006 and is posted on their website.
16. The individuals need not be named but may be described by qualification or position in the workplace.
17. The directive may call for the delegate to follow a protocol that describes the steps to be taken in delivering treatment if one has been developed by the physician or the institution.
18. It is acceptable for physicians working at institutions with multiple directives to receive copies of each directive and sign one statement indicating that they have read and agreed with all the medical directives referred to therein. This can be done as part of the annual physician reappointment process.
19. Physicians practising in hospitals may be subject to additional requirements under the Public Hospitals Act, 1990.
20. This is the only controlled act that physicians are not authorized to perform.