SEC Adopts Final Rules Regarding Share Repurchase Disclosure

On May 3, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted final rules requiring (1) issuers to disclose daily quantitative repurchase data at the end of every quarter in their Form 10-Qs and 10-Ks, (2) foreign private issuers (“FPIs”) to disclose daily quantitative repurchase data at the end of every quarter on a new Form F-SR within 45 days after the end of an FPI’s fiscal quarter, (3) issuers to include in Form 10-Qs and 10-Ks, and FPIs to include in Form 20-Fs, narrative disclosure on the objectives and rationale for share repurchases and the process or criteria used to determine the amount of repurchases, as well as any policies or procedures relating to purchases and sales of the issuer’s securities by its officers and directors during a repurchase program, and (4) issuers to include in Form 10-Qs and 10-Ks disclosure regarding an issuer’s adoption and termination of Rule 10b5-1 trading plans. The final rules vary from the proposed rules issued by the SEC in 2021, with the most significant variance being the requirement for quarterly reporting of daily repurchase transactions instead of daily reporting following each repurchase.


Since 2003, the SEC has required disclosure regarding share repurchases in an issuer’s periodic reports, including the number of shares repurchased on a monthly basis, the average price per share, the total number of shares purchased as part of a repurchase plan or program, the maximum number of shares or approximate dollar value that may be purchased under existing plans or programs and footnote disclosures regarding the principal terms of publicly announced repurchase plans.

In December 2021, the SEC issued proposed rules to supplement these requirements. In proposing the rules, Chairman Gensler and the SEC expressed concerns that, without additional disclosure, market participants are not made aware of the details and motivations surrounding share buybacks. The proposed rules were more cumbersome in several ways than the recently finalized rules. For example, the proposed rules included a new form to be filed within one business day of share repurchases, disclosing the date and number and class of shares purchased, among other things. With respect to share repurchase plans, the proposed rules also required a checkbox indicating whether any of the issuer’s Section 16 officers or directors purchased or sold shares within 10 business days before or after the announcement of such plan or program.

Periodic Report Share Repurchase Disclosure Requirements