Body Text of 36 pt is recommended. Text should not be smaller than 24 pt for viewing from a comfortable distance. Recommended fonts are Times New Roman, Arial, Symbol and Wingdings. Courier is a recommended fixed-width font for sequence alignments, etc. For Greek Symbols, use of the Symbol font is recommended.
Copying and pasting TEXT ONLY from Word or a text editor is generally OK.
DO NOT COPY AND PASTE images or graphs into your poster. Always "Place" the image from a saved file in Illustrator, or "Insert > Picture > From File" in PowerPoint. Object linking and embedding differs significantly across applications and platforms, and causes a lot of problems.
Save images as EPS or TIF format before importing them into your presentation.
The resolution of image files should be 200 dpi at the final printed size. You can check the image size and resolution in Photoshop using Image > Image Size.
CMYK is the recommended color scheme for the Clark Center Poster Printer. RGB images may not print true to the original color.
DO NOT Place compressed image files (JPG, GIF, etc.) into your presentation!!
Be sure the page size of your presentation is the Final Printed Size. Alternately, select a page size proportional to the final printed size, but no smaller than 50%. Use a Template as a starting point.
In general, save your poster in the native format of the application used to create it. Avoid conversions if possible.
For printer specifications and pricing information, please click here.